Non classé21st Chinese Zeolite Conference – 1st International Edition
11 novembre 20210
The 21st Chinese Zeolite Conference, the 1st International Edition dedicated to the Porous Materials for Future Energy was held in Qingdao at the CREC International Convention Center, 27–30 September 2021.
Dr. Svetlana Mintova co-chaired the conference with Professor Zifeng Yan from China University of Petroleum (East China) and Professor Xinmei Liu as executive chairperson from China University of Petroleum (East China).
1200 delegates attended the conference in person and more than 250 participants followed the talks virtually. 12 plenary, 31 keynote, 63 invited talks, and 200 oral presentations were delivered at the conference.
The international symposium on zeolites and related porous materials with 24 distinguished invitees from 17 different countries was organized on the 28th–29th September 2021.
Welcome speech of Svetlana Mintova during the opening ceremony of the 21st China Zeolite Conference.